Instituto Movatur provides global solutions for statistical production in all types of information at any stage: statistical designs, field, and handling and management of the data collected.

It offers a global methodology for the development and production of statistics that can be adapted to the needs of every type of data.
Services such as production and design of tools and processes for integrated management of all stages of statistical production, ready for immediate use.

Surveys, statistical operations, collection and analysis of administrative data, synthesis of statistics and data systems.

Demographic, economic and sector contents.

Economic content surveys and specific operations.

Global, though modular, economic statistical systems: directories, structural estimations (IOT and accounts), situation estimations, satellite accounts.

Multivariate analysis and decision trees.

Design of statistical models for simulation and prediction.

Statistical data cleansing and validity.

Descriptive analysis and typification.

Data mining.

Big data.

Temporary series analysis.

It is worth noting that the team has broad experience not only in performing statistical operations but also in designing methodologies and processes for complex operations in a variety of socio-demographic and economic sectors.

The consequence of this vast experience gained in a variety of sectors is the checking and validation of an approach and methodology (Grafo_Test) for large-scale application of statistical management and survey design.